35 years experience on international markets


We wish to inform you that your personal data (hereinafter, the "Data") will be processed in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (hereafter, the "General Regulation on data protection ") and of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 (hereinafter, the "Privacy Code").

Pursuant to articles 13 of the General Regulation on Data Protection and the Privacy Code (Informative), it is specified that the Data Controller is2F COMMERCIAL LIMITED - 3, TRIQ GUZE FLORES ST VENERA SVR1950 MALTA – VAT No. MT2120-0908, Email address: gfiorilla.2f@gmail.com, and that your data will be processed in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, correctness and transparency and will be collected to an appropriate extent, relevant and limited to the purposes of the processing.

Purpose of the treatment
The Data Controller informs that the Data will be processed for the following purposes: a) without the need for express consent, your data will be processed for the provision of the service requested and agreed in commercial terms with Cataldo Sebastian (hereinafter, " Service");
b) for the following Marketing purposes:
- sending by e-mail, mail and / or SMS and / or telephone contacts of newsletters, commercial communications and / or advertising material on products or services offered by the Data Controller;
- detection of the degree of customer satisfaction on the quality of services.

Legal basis of the processing
The provision of your data for the purposes referred to in point 1, lett. a) of this information is mandatory; therefore, in their absence, we can not guarantee the requested Service.
The consent to the processing of data for the purposes referred to in point 1, lett. b), is optional and can therefore be revoked freely and at any time. In this case, we remind you that you will no longer be able to receive newsletters, commercial communications and advertising material concerning the services offered by the Data Controller, subject to your subsequent specific and separate request. However, you will continue to be entitled to the Service referred to in point 1, lett. a) of this information.

Duration of treatment and storage
The Data Controller will process the Data for the time deemed useful for the fulfillment of the purpose.
Your data provided for the purposes referred to in point 1, lett. a) of this information, will in any case be kept for a further period after the expiry of the last performed performance (variable in the case of particular EU regulations and directives requiring a further retention period) to fulfill the required legal and regulatory obligations; while the Data acquired for the aforementioned purposes referred to in point 1, lett. b), will be processed until the withdrawal of your consent.

Method of treatment
The processing of your data is carried out by means of the operations indicated in art. 4, n. 2), of the General Data Protection Regulation and art. 4 of the Privacy Code and precisely: the collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, consultation, processing, adaptation or modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use , interconnection, blocking, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, limitation, deletion and destruction of data.
The Data will be stored on electronic and paper media using the measures deemed by the Data Controller most suitable to ensure adequate security of your data.

Communication of your data
Without the need for express consent (Article 6 letters b) and c) of the General Data Protection Regulation and art. 24 lit. a), b), d) of the Privacy Code), the Data Controller may communicate your data for the purposes referred to in point 1, lett. a), of this information, for their respective and specific competence, to Accreditation Bodies, Certification Bodies, Ministries, Institutes, Associations and, in general, to any public or private entity with respect to which communication is mandatory by law or by virtue of bilateral agreements for the accomplishment of the aforementioned purposes. These subjects will process the Data in their capacity as independent data controllers.
For the aforementioned purposes, instead, referred to in point 1, lett. b), your data, relating exclusively to the e-mail address, will be used for sending communications via the newsletter platforms.

Data transfer in non-EU countries
The Data may also be communicated for the contractual purpose referred to in point 1, lett. a) of this information to Accreditation Bodies and Certification Bodies located outside the European Union.

Rights of the interested party
Pursuant to articles 15-21 of the General Data Protection Regulation and art. 7 of the Privacy Code, may exercise at any time the rights of access, correction or cancellation (so-called "right to be forgotten"), limitation of processing, as well as the portability of your data by sending a request to the address of the RP : gfiorilla.2f@gmail.com.

Pursuant to art. 7 of the General Data Protection Regulation, consent for the aforementioned Marketing purposes referred to in point 1, lett. b), can be freely revoked at any time by sending an email to the address of the RPD indicated in paragraph 7 of this statement or by using the unsubscription link at the bottom of the email notification received. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on consent before revocation.

Some of our brands

Sale and distribution of the best brands in the spare parts sector.